The Comprehensive Flowmeters Resource

Transit Time Principle

Transit Time Principle - EESIFLO Ultrasonic Flow Meter Animation
Transit Time Principle – EESIFLO Ultrasonic Flow Meter Animation
The EESIFLO clamp on transit time flow meter is more universal by the fact that it does not require reflectors at all.

Transit Time Principle – EESIFLO Ultrasonic Flow Meter Animation


The EESIFLO clamp on transit time flow meter is more universal by the fact that it does not require reflectors at all. Newer types of transit time meters cover most traditional clamp on flow applications because of improvements in the last decade in high speed electronics and sample filtering. This all means EESIFLO meters are able to measure both clean and dirty liquids.

The Portalok and Sonalok use employ two finely tuned sensors placed upstream and downstream external to any sonically conductive tube or pipe. The sensors are matched and carefully designed to work in situations where temperature variations exist since ultrasonic propagation is also a function of temperature. 

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