Measuring the vent flare gas at the wellhead?

Exploration companies require critical gas meter data. A flare gas flow meter gives that and more! Do you need environmental compliance for government agencies? Look no further because a good vent gas meter satisfies the compliance issue. These flare gas meters are also the easiest equipment to install and maintain.

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Do you want better operational data to provide insight into possible upset conditions? Do you want more control over events?
Waste gas burn off can be measured easily in vent or flare system. It does not matter which industry you are from. Are you involved in shale gas extraction? We have solutions! These are tried and tested meters for gas plants, landfills. Emissions monitoring means that you need the meter data. Measure the flare gases prior to exhaustion to the flare.

Mandated guidelines require flow metering systems that measure the flare gas vented off into the environment. A reliable thermal mass flow meter is a no brainer. It has no moving parts and is able to measure across the flare gas velocities.