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<meta name=”description” content=”CONVERSION TO Btu (IT) Btu (th) Btu (mean) Calories (IT) Calories (th) Calories (mean) Calories (15C) Calories (20C) Calories (food) Centigrade Heat Units Electron volts [eV] Ergs Foot pounds-force Foot poundals Gigajoules [Gj] Horsepower hours Joules Kilocalories (IT) Kilocalories (th) Kilogram-force-meters Kilojoules [KJ] Killowatt hours [kWh] Megajoules [MJ] Newton Meters [nM] Therms Watt seconds [Ws] Watt hours [Wh]”>
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<title>ONLINE CONVERSION -Energy Conversion Calories, Horsepower Kilowatt, Joules</title>
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function Convert(){
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function ConvertBack(){
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     parseFloat(UnitFrom.options[UnitFrom.selectedIndex].value) *
     parseFloat(UnitTo.options[UnitTo.selectedIndex].value), numDigs);

function formatFloat(number,X) {
// rounds number to X decimal places, default is 6
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    return Math.round(number*Math.pow(10,X))/Math.pow(10,X);


<body leftmargin=”10″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”10″ topmargin=”0″>
<form name=”ConvertForm”>
    <table border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”5″ align=”left”>
     <td><font face=”Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif” size=”+1″><b style=”color: #000″>Energy or work
        [force length]</b></font></td>
         <table width=”100%” border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ align=”center”>
             <td bgcolor=”#000000″>
                <table width=”100%” border=”0″ cellspacing=”1″ cellpadding=”5″>
                 <td bgcolor=”#666666″><font face=”Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif” size=”-1″><b><font color=”#FFFFFF”>Input</font></b></font></td>
                 <td bgcolor=”#FF0000″>
                            <input type=”text” size=”20″ name=”ValueFrom” value=”1″ onKeyUp=”Convert()”> </td>
                            <select name=”UnitFrom” size=”1″ onChange=”Convert()”>
                             <option value=”1055.056″>Btu (IT)</option>
                             <option value=”1054.350″>Btu (th)</option>
                             <option value=”1055.87″>Btu (mean)</option>
                             <option value=”4.1868″>calories (IT)</option>
                             <option value=”4.184″>calories (th)</option>
                             <option value=”4.19002″>calories (mean)</option>
                             <option value=”4.18580″>calories (15C)</option>
                             <option value=”4.18190″>calories (20C)</option>
                             <option value=”4186″>calories (food)</option>
                             <option value=”1900.4″>centigrade heat units</option>
                             <option value=”1.60219e-19″>electron volts [eV]</option>
                             <option value=”1e-7″>ergs</option>
                             <option value=”1.355817″>foot pounds-force</option>
                             <option value=”0.042140″>foot poundals</option>
                             <option value=”1e9″>gigajoules [GJ]</option>
                             <option value=”2684520″>horsepower hours</option>
                             <option selected value=”1″>joules [J]</option>
                             <option value=”4186.8″>kilocalories (IT)</option>
                             <option value=”4184″>kilocalories (th)</option>
                             <option value=”9.80665″>kilogram-force meters</option>
                             <option value=”1e3″>kilojoules [kJ]</option>
                             <option value=”3600000″>kilowatt hours [kWh]</option>
                             <option value=”1e6″>megajoules [MJ]</option>
                             <option value=”1″>newton meters [Nm]</option>
                             <option value=”105500000″>therms</option>
                             <option value=”1″>watt seconds [Ws]</option>
                             <option value=”3600″>watt hours [Wh]</option>
                            </select> </td>
                            <input type=”button” name=”ButtonGO” value=”Go!” onClick=”Convert()” onFocus=”if(this.blur)this.blur()”> </td>
                    </table> </td>
                </table> </td>
         <table width=”100%” border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″>
            <td><img src=”spacer.gif” width=”20″ height=”20″></td>
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                <table width=”100%” border=”0″ cellspacing=”1″ cellpadding=”5″>
                 <td bgcolor=”#666666″><font face=”Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif” size=”-1″><b><font color=”#FFFFFF”>Output</font></b></font></td>
                 <td bgcolor=”#CCCCCC”>
                        <tr valign=”middle”>
                            <input type=”text” size=”20″ name=”ValueTo” onKeyUp=”ConvertBack()”> </td>
                            <select name=”UnitTo” size=”1″ onChange=”Convert()”>
                             <option value=”1055.056″>Btu (IT)</option>
                             <option value=”1054.350″>Btu (th)</option>
                             <option value=”1055.87″>Btu (mean)</option>
                             <option value=”4.1868″>calories (IT)</option>
                             <option value=”4.184″>calories (th)</option>
                             <option value=”4.19002″>calories (mean)</option>
                             <option value=”4.18580″>calories (15C)</option>
                             <option value=”4.18190″>calories (20C)</option>
                             <option value=”4186″>calories (food)</option>
                             <option value=”1900.4″>centigrade heat units</option>
                             <option value=”1.60219e-19″>electron volts [eV]</option>
                             <option value=”1e-7″>ergs</option>
                             <option value=”1.355817″>foot pounds-force</option>
                             <option value=”0.042140″>foot poundals</option>
                             <option value=”1e9″>gigajoules [GJ]</option>
                             <option value=”2684520″>horsepower hours</option>
                             <option selected value=”1″>joules [J]</option>
                             <option value=”4186.8″>kilocalories (IT)</option>
                             <option value=”4184″>kilocalories (th)</option>
                             <option value=”9.80665″>kilogram-force meters</option>
                             <option value=”1e3″>kilojoules [kJ]</option>
                             <option value=”3600000″>kilowatt hours [kWh]</option>
                             <option value=”1e6″>megajoules [MJ]</option>
                             <option value=”1″>newton meters [Nm]</option>
                             <option value=”105500000″>therms</option>
                             <option value=”1″>watt seconds [Ws]</option>
                             <option value=”3600″>watt hours [Wh]</option>
                            </select> </td>
                    </table> </td>
                </table> </td>
         </table> </td>



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