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Digital Mass Flow Controller GF135

Designed for the next step in semiconductor etch, thin film and other advanced process gas control applications, the GF135 combines all of the benefits provided by the most advanced pressure transient insensitive mass flow controller (MFC) and adds real-time flow error detection with advanced diagnostics.

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Digital Mass Flow Controller GF135


Designed for the next step in semiconductor etch, thin film and other advanced process gas control applications, the GF135 combines all of the benefits provided by the most advanced pressure transient insensitive mass flow controller (MFC) and adds real-time flow error detection with advanced diagnostics.

Device manufacturers are driving programs to improve wafer level yield. The current downstream quality control approach can allow hundreds of wafers to be processed before issues are detected. Process gas stability and repeatability have been identified as critical to meeting yield enhancement goals and MFC accuracy has been identified as critical to maintaining process control.


  • Real-time flow error detection
  • Sensor stability tracking
  • Valve leak-by tracking
  • Enhanced process gas accuracy
  • Market leading ultra-fast flow settling time
  • Enhanced pressure insensitivity
  • Corrosion resistant Hastelloy® sensor
  • Drop-in upgrade for surface-mount and VCR MFCs

Digital Mass Flow Controller GF135

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